5 Hospice care benefits you might not know
The word “hospice” can be scary for individuals and their families when nearing the end of life. Oftentimes, those that could benefit most from hospice care might push it off due to fear or lack of education. What many don’t know is that hospice care can offer comfort and a higher quality of life to your loved one far before their final days of life. Ethos Hospice is available to individuals with a life-limiting illness and a life expectancy of six months or less.
Here are 5 reasons you should call hospice sooner rather than later:
1. It is not your ‘last resort’
Many families choosing hospice care for their loved one do so during the final days or hours of their loved one’s life. They may think of hospice as their last option that only is available in those final moments. In truth, individuals may benefit from hospice care for months. Ethos Hospice care is designed to provide comfort, care, and support to individuals and their families when nearing the end of life. This includes physical, emotional, and spiritual support that can be extremely beneficial while navigating a terminal illness.
2. Hospice can come to you wherever you call home
Many aging adults would prefer to pass away in their own homes surrounded by familiar faces and things. Hospice care can make this a reality by bringing care, comfort, and an enhanced quality of life to individuals wherever they call home. Whether it be a private residential home, assisted living facility, or other nursing facility, Ethos Hospice will come to you.
3. Hospice provides support for the whole family
Family members can also benefit from and find peace in the comfort of hospice care. Ethos Hospice volunteers are available to provide respite care so family members can relieve themselves of caregiving duties, spend quality time with their loved one, or take some time away to care for personal needs. Families of hospice patients will receive emotional and spiritual support throughout the time their loved one is on hospice care. This can extend for up to 13 months of bereavement support following the passing of their loved one.
4. Hospice can enhance the quality of life
When an individual decides that the end-of-life is near and chooses not to receive further treatment for their illness, it is still possible to approach this journey with a high quality of life. Hospice care can provide pain management strategies, life-enriching services such as music therapy, healing touch, or pet therapy, and physical, emotional, and spiritual support to help individuals and their families cope during this difficult time. Choosing hospice care early on can allow patients to fully appreciate the benefits of hospice and have enough time to find peace at the end of life.
5. Don’t let cost be a barrier
Many individuals may delay contacting a hospice care provider out of fear of cost. Hospice care is almost always covered by Medicare, Medicaid, and almost all private insurance. Our team will work with you and your insurance provider to determine your level of coverage. It is important to note that patients can never be denied care based on coverage status or ability to pay.
Is it the right time for hospice?
If you are unsure whether hospice might be right for you or a loved one, take our free online assessment to uncover care needs and determine whether it might be the right fit. For additional questions or to schedule a care assessment contact our team at (701) 515-0240 or fill out an inquiry form.