Providing a holistic hospice care experience
From our newest team member to our most seasoned volunteer, the people behind our hospice life-enriching services uphold an uncompromising culture of care. Behind every interaction at Ethos Hospice is a genuine desire to spark joy and cultivate a higher quality of life for those we serve.
Through the specialized support of our certified therapy animals, Reiki masters, and beyond, we facilitate custom-tailored experiences of peace and comfort. In the words of our music therapist Emily Wangen, “I knew that I wanted to utilize music in my everyday life and felt the passion to help people. So I chose music therapy.”
Supporting Families with Memories to Last a Lifetime
Throughout a loved one’s hospice care journey, family members are oftentimes wrapped in a shroud of uncertainty. During these trying times, imagining life without a cherished family member or companion can seem unthinkable. That’s why we offer legacy recordings as part of our life-enriching services. From there, loved ones are left with a voice recording filled with comforting stories that preserve a link to the past.
Even after 13 months of bereavement support, we understand that sometimes, you just need something to hold onto. To help fill the void, our dedicated sewing volunteers craft custom teddy bears with your loved one’s clothing. These keepsakes preserve irreplaceable memories while serving as a welcomed reminder of a life well lived.
These offerings are just two of the many life-enriching services we offer to support the full hospice picture. Best said by Bev Malnory, one of our dedicated volunteers, “it often takes a village to provide holistic care for a hospice patient.”
Tailoring Our Services to Each Patient’s Needs
Our Ethos Hospice team believes in the uniqueness of each hospice care experience. While aromatherapy may be an effective anxiety reliever for one patient, therapeutic music may work better for another. To deliver the most relevant and impactful care possible, our caregivers and volunteers get to know the individuals they serve on a deep level.
With the help of her miniature horse Comet, Terry Carbone has discovered the power of pet therapy to rekindle a mosaic of memories. “Part of the reason I chose Ethos is that a lot of the people have a history with horses, and so you get a lot of stories from people reminiscing.”
These unique and uplifting moments are part of what makes Ethos Hospice an experience of both affirmation and discovery. Ultimately, we are inspired to shine a light on the beauty and grace surrounding each end-of-life journey.
Redefining the Meaning of Hospice Care
When loved ones begin looking into hospice care, feelings of despair can quickly take hold. At Ethos Hospice, we are committed to redefining this outlook through our life-enriching services. From the comfort of healing touch to the honor we give to Veterans, we strive to make hospice care a choice of dignity and comfort.
In the words of Bev, “being a volunteer has enriched my life, and has also given the patient’s family members comfort knowing that their loved one has an outside resource that will be spending time with them regularly.” These thoughts are a direct reflection of the spirit of compassion embraced by our volunteers and caregivers alike.
Deciding if Hospice Care is the Right Fit
For those we support, the initial decision to choose hospice care is oftentimes the hardest. To help you navigate the road ahead, we invite you to take our short assessment. From there, you can find clarity to determine if hospice care is the right fit for you or your loved one. Best said by Emily, “it’s a beautiful opportunity that we have here at Ethos.”
For more information about our life-enriching services or hospice program as a whole, we invite you to visit our hospice page. We can also be reached by phone at (701) 515-0240.